Imagination and arts

This Division focuses on one of India's greatest gifts to the world - imagination and creativity. To imagine beyond what exists and capturing and showcasing that to the rest of the world to see in different genres _ the Vedas, the epics, poetry, theater, folk-lore, sculpture, painting and architecture. What drove a Kalidas to write a Raghuvamsa, a Tagore to write Gitanjali, and a Thiruvalluvar to write the Thirukural. Or what drove the first known sculptors of the world from the Indus Valley civilization in the period between 3300-1700 BC (the modern day India and Pakistan) to create the world's very first sculptures. And what inspired a Raja Ravi Verma to create those award winning portraits of our mythological characters.
Besides showcasing the work of the biggest authors and artists from India and rest of the world; this Division will inform the children on what the current day career prospects in the area of arts are, and how to approach the same. From book writing, publishing, painting, sculpture, fine arts, television, animation, to bollywood; we cover just about everything there is to it. And we invite contemporary achievers in these areas to come and deliver inspirational talks as part of our teaching.