Electromagnetic effect

This Division focuses on one of man's greatest modern science discovery - electromagnetic effect. Starting with Luigi Galvani's accidental discovery of electric current to the theory behind the attraction of magnet to iron, to the laws of attraction, and application of electromagnetic effect in day to day life; this Division will cover just about everything important to be known on this subject. As against going by the text book approach to teaching these, our Division will employ story-telling and our unique approach of real-time product dissections cum re-construction demonstrations to informing these young minds on how the gadgets they use on a daily basis like a fan, a light bulb or a motor works and how it also finds application in some modern age advancements such as Missile Defense and Lighting Protection to name a few. However the prime goal of our Division will be to instate the fact that when a school drop-out like Thomas Alva Edison can go on to invent an electric bulb, so can each and every one of them. And VEFI will give them a direction and a sense of motivation to think in the lines of an inventor and a discoverer.
There is significance to appointing this beat to our first Division. This is one discovery that the western world made that was pivotal in bringing about their quick progress as compared to some nations in the East that were leading in inventions and discoveries till a few centuries earlier.